14 January 2017

Happy Makar Sankranti 2017!

Makar Sankranti is a harvest festival which is celebrated in almost all parts of India with various names. It is also believed that it marks the spring of India which is a traditional event. Makar Sankranti is celebrated on January 14, 2017. This festival marks the transition of Sun into the Makara Rashi which is a zodiac sign. The movement of Sun which changes from one zodiac sign to the other is known as Sankranti. And the sun moves into the Capricorn zodiac which is termed as Makara, hence the name ‘Makar Sankranti’ evolved. 

It is also said that on this festival, Sun God begins its ascendancy and enters into northern hemisphere. And thus the Sun God reminds us of ‘Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya’ which means one might go higher to more light and never face any kind of darkness. This festival is also regarded as the beginning of an auspicious phase for Indian culture. In Indian culture, people term it as a holy phase of transition. 

This festival marks the beginning of longer days as compared to nights. On the festival of Makar Sankranti, people sent SMS and celebrate the most auspicious occasions with great zeal, enthusiasm and devotion.  Maker Sankranti signifies that one should turn away from darkness of delusion and should enjoy a new life with bright life.

The best time to reach out to your loved ones and begin a beautiful phase of life is on festival. It is the perfect time to celebrate and exchange gifts, greetings and messages. People celebrate their festival with family and friends. The celebration ends with colourful fireworks, dance, drinks, games and a lot more. And then comes the task of wishing everyone and sending out festival messages. 

It’s time for all of us to begin a life which is full of purity, knowledge and wisdom. On this auspicious day, we wish you all a very Happy Makar Sankranti!