26 March 2017

Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2017- MTS Vacancy 2017

Online Applications are invited from eligible Indian nationals for filling the following vacancies of Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) cadre (earlier known as Group-D) in Administrative/ Subordinate Post Offices in Postal/Railway Mail Service Division/Unit in Gujarat Postal Circle under direct requirement i.e. from open market by holding Aptitude Test and Descriptive Examination. Aptitude Test would be of MCQ type followed by Descriptive examination of qualified candidates in the Aptitude Test. 

The detailed guidelines, conditions and instructions for the Direct Recruitment are given below, which must be read carefully by the applicant and satisfy him-self about the eligibility to the post and then apply for the same. It will be presumed that all guidelines, conditions and instructions are acceptable to the candidates who are applying for the post.

Starting Date & Time of Registration of on-line applications on OJAS Website:- 24/03/2017 at 00:00 hrs

Closing Date & Time of Registration of online applications :-10/04/2017 at 23:59 hrs

Last Date for Deposit of FEE in cash at any Computerized Post Offices in Gujarat Circle during working hours of Post Offices:-12/04/2017