27 April 2017

Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak (Haryana) Clerk Recruitment 2017: 91 Posts

Eligible Candidates may apply for recruitment to 91 permanent posts of Steno typist and Clerk cum Junior DEO in Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak (MDU Rohtak). Send applications in prescribed format along with all documents of educational qualification, caste certificate, experience certificate, age proof, date of birth etc by 16-05-2017 .
Application Form submitted after due date shall not be accepted.

Applications are invited on the prescribed form obtainable from the University Publication Cell on cash payment of Rs.100/- at sale counter (Rs.25/- for SC/BC/EBP of Haryana State only) and Rs.130/- by Registered Post (Rs.55/- for SC/BC/EBP) by sending demand draft drawn in favour of Finance Officer, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak for below mentioned contractual Non-Teaching posts. The prescribed form can also be downloaded and printed from the University website www.mdurohtak.ac.in. In that event Rs.100/- (Rs.25/- for SC/BC/EBP) need to be added in the mentioned fee. Last date of submission of application on prescribed format is 16th May, 2017 up to 5 : 00 P.M..

Posts & Eligibility Norms :
Clerk-cum-Jr. Data Entry Operator6018-50 yrsGraduate with 50% marks and Diploma Course in relevant subjectRs.5,200–20,200+ GP 1900
Steno-typist (English)2718-50 yrsGraduate with 50% marks and Diploma Course in relevant subjectRs.5,200–20,200+ GP 1900
Steno-typist(Hindi)418-50 yrsGraduate with 50% marks and Diploma Course in relevant subjectRs.5,200–20,200+ GP 1900
Important Dates :
Last date to send completed application forms : 16-05-2017 . 
Selection Procedure :
Selection will be based on Written test and Skill test. Written test will be of 100 marks of Objective Type (Multiple four alternatives). There will be 1/4 negative mark for each wrong answer. Ten times of the number of positions shall be screened for Computer Typing (Practical) TestB on the basis of their scoring in General Aptitude Test -A.
Steno-Typist (English): Qualifies a test in Stenography in English at the speed of 80 WPM and transcription thereof on Computer at the speed of 15 WPM. Steno-Typist (Hindi) Test of Stenography in Hindi at the speed of 64 WPM and transcription thereof on Computer at the speed of 11 WPM. 
Fee Structure :
Application fee of Rs.75/- for SC/BC/EBP of Haryana State only and Rs.300/- for all other candidates is to be paid by Cash Receipt in Original or Bank Draft drawn in favour of Finance Officer, M.D. University, Rohtak. 
Procedure to Apply :
Applicants are requested to send their prescribed applications along with all relevant documents to given address on or before due date of 16-05-2017 . Candidates shall be called for intevriews after proper scruntiy of applications. Candidates must send as many experience certificates to gain an edge in shortlisting process.
Candidates must superscribe the envelope as "'Application for the post of __ ' Steno typist and Clerk cum Junior DEO 
Submit completed applications to the address of :
Assistant Registrar, Establishment (Non-Teaching), M.D. University, Rohtak -124001.