12 July 2017

ISRO- Recruitment for the post of assistants and Upper Division Clerk (325 Posts)

Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO] of the Department of Space [DOS] invites applications for filling-up the posts of ASSISTANTS(administrative support staff) and Upper Division Clerks in the Level 4 of Pay Matrix in CCS (RP) Rules 2016, for filling-up in various ISRO Centres/Units, and Autonomous Bodies/CPSUs under Department of Space across India.

Eligibility Criteria:
Graduation in Arts/ Commerce/ Management/ Science/ Computer Applications with First Class as declared by the University.(The prescribed qualification to be acquired on or before 31/07/2017 ) WITH Knowledge in the use of Computers.

Upper Age Limit:
26 years as on 31-07-2017 (31 years in case of SC/ST candidates and 29 years for OBC candidates (AGAINST POSTS RESERVED FOR THESE CANDIDATES). Central Govt. Servants, Ex-Servicemen, Persons with Disabilities, Widows, Divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands and who are not remarried; Meritorious Sportspersons are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt. of India orders.)

How to Apply : The application for on-line registration will be hosted in the ISRO web-site @www.isro.gov.in between 11-07-2017 and 31-07-2017. Candidates may visit our web-site at www.isro.gov.in to register their applications on-line between 11-07-2017 and 31-07-2017. The candidates registered under National Career Services (NCS) portal and fulfilling the eligibility conditions may visit ISRO website and follow the application procedure as stated. Applications will be received on-line only. Scanned copies of latest passport sized Photograph and Signature of the candidates in the prescribed file size is required to be uploaded in the application.Upon registration, applicants will be provided with an on-line Registration Number, which should be carefully preserved for future reference. E-mail ID of the applicant will have to be provided in the application CORRECTLY and compulsorily. On successful submission of the application an email confirmation regarding submission shall be sent to the candidate's registered email id. However, the completion of application procedure is subject to receipt of 'application fee' (if applicable.). The application is non-editable and details cannot be edited, once the application is registered. Hence, candidates are advised to verify whether, all the details entered in the application are correct, before final submission of the application.

Applications for Multiple Posts: Candidates may apply for multiple posts, subject to conditions. A candidate may apply for different posts under different/same zones, but cannot apply for same post in different zones. For Ex : A candidate may apply for Post No. 1(Assistant) in Ahmedabad Zone, Post No 2 (UDC) under Dept. of Space and Post No. 3 (Assistant) under Autonomous institute under Bengaluru Zone. However, he/she cannot apply for Post No. 1 (Assistant) in Ahmedabad Zone and again Post No. 1 (Assistant) under Thiruvananthapuram Zone. However, such candidates should select common (same) written test centre for all the posts applied for. Candidates have to make application fee payment separately for applications for different posts.

Total Number of Vacancy: 325
UR: 149
OBC: 75
SC: 38
ST: 10
Ex-Servicemen: 34
Hearing Impairment: 08
Low vision/Blindness: 08
Cerebral palsy: 03